Congrats Engagement Dos Amigos

Today, a good friend of mine became engaged. Well, yesterday, I think; he lives in Australia so who really knows? No body knows.

Anyways, it made me think about a lot of things. Like how awesome it was to feel engaged. To be completely wrapped up in enchantment, bewilderment, and in the unknown. There is simply nothing like it.

There’s nothing like looking at a woman who is wearing your ring and swearing to her something beyond your means, something that only God could accomplish between any two people… I’ll be with you until either you kill me, I kill you, or we both die. 

What made it truly special, is that she promised the same for me.

So I saw the Facebook post, I smiled and told Megan. Then I looked at her, sick in bed, and again, I smiled. Marriage is awesome.

It’s a team effort for sure. And if you remember team, then in fact, you’ll be fine. But honestly, it’s more work than anyone ever tells you. How could they?

See, everyday you have to make someone more important than yourself. It sounds easy, but it truly isn’t. People say you have to work on marriage, this part is the work. You have to be selfless from when the sun rises to when it sets. (Also in between, but you get the metaphor). I’m not as good at it as she is, but I’m getting there anyways.

I realized that I needed Megan, like in every way. She’s the other half. She’s the dough, I’m the sauce. She’s the window, I’m the frame. She’s the football, I’m Peyton Manning.

Hold on, I have a couple more: 

She’s the bean burger, I’m the pickle. She’s the grinder, I’m the coffee bean. Ok, ok, I think this is getting weird.

Well, anyways, Justin and Krysta, I’m not sure if you’ll get around to reading this (I remember being swarmed with phone calls and emails after we announced our engagement), but if you do, we are so excited for you two and wanted you both to know that we love you.

Remember to pray for each other, to listen, and to share.

Also, the man is always right.

IMG_0310Just kidding.


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