My Angsty Music


This was my band, The Function.

We had good times. 2011-2012

Below are two of my favorite tracks, though you can click on the album cover to stream all six songs.


Some personal demos. I’ll be adding more.



Pilgrims Market Christmas project. 2011


    1. Thanks, Tony. “Sprinting” is a special song for me. I laboriously peeled lines from a friend’s poetry journal (with permission of course) and constructed a lyrics and a song from it.

      My latest addition, “Beyond Measure,” was written and recorded in two hours with built-in computer microphones, and used “borrowed” lyrics from a Wonka candy wrapper. The song is a little creepy, so I feel like the song deserves a little explanation.

  1. I actually kind of dig the “creepy” ‘Beyond Measure’ ditty quite a bit. Sounds a little Damien Rice gritty in parts. Although, I can’t help but feel you may love the Veils as much as I do. Remember as an artist your stuff can just stand alone for itself. (Although I also constantly feel the need to over explain–so what do I know). Now, I like your other stuff too. I’m sensing a Jeff Buckleyesque tribute on ‘Clean Slates’. I could be wrong. That wavering vibrato in your voice makes it hard for me to put my finger on your influence, but you clearly have some chops. Still Beyond Measure is pretty freakin’ awesome and mostly because you derived the lyrics from the candy wrapper. Austin would be proud to have you as an honorary Austinite. And I should know b/c I’m an ex-native. Keep doing what you do cos it’s working for you!

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